Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Kindergarten Bento: 1

Over the past two years, my  husband and I did create cute and healthy meals for our kids (which I might post about later).  In general, our children's daycare lunches were simple containers of food due to the fact that their meals were removed from their containers, placed on a plate, and warmed, except for the batman shaped pizzas my hubby made for them on Pizza Tuesdays.  With my son starting Kindergarten, I plan on packing more of his lunches now.  My bento skills will be put to use!

Here is his lunch and snack for his first full day at Kindergarten.
Peanut butter roll ups on whole grain bread
Clementine segments
Raw sugar snap peas
Organic string cheese
Organic juice box (not shown)

Banana with special drawing
6 plain Triscuit crackers

I'm concerned it's not enough food, but I'll find out when he comes home.  What I tried to keep in mind while packing his food for the day:
        • Keep the food in easy to manage pieces.
        • Make it look delicious and fun, as best as possible
        • Include foods I know he'll likely enjoy, especially at first
        • Try to include foods that will keep well without refrigeration
I let him see his food last night, just so I could be sure he would be happy with the contents.  He was very pleased and was asking if he could eat parts of it right then!  But, again, I'll see how well it went over when he gets home and I can see what he didn't eat.